Wednesday 31 July 2013

Spanish train crash

It is no good vilifying the train driver if his equipment was not fit for purpose.

In today's technological marvel of a world, are we not surprised that it is possible for a human to override a machine for his/her own purposes? I think not! However, the machine has to have procedures in the first place that can be overridden!

Lot's of speculation has been around since this tragedy last week and only an investigation will answer most of the questions, my only question is "has this driver been along this route before?". The reason for the question would be to ascertain whether his/her knowledge of the route would aid the decision making process. If it turns out that this driver has completed this route dozens of times successfully, then why on this occasion travel at twice the recommended speed?

Francisco Garzón, the driver of the train involved in Spain's worst rail disaster in almost 70 years was freed on bail on Sunday night after reportedly admitting to a judge that he had behaved recklessly.

Is that it then?

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