Tuesday, 21 July 2015

Salary remark

They still do not get it, even though the PM David Cameron stood up in parliament and said "We get it."

Fair enough the comment was made after parliament had just voted 'no' to bombing Syria, even though the RAF today is helping in Syria, but that is a different story.

Conservative MP Tobias Ellwood a foreign office minister on £90k a year has now apologised for his "watch the pennies" remark when responding to the announced 10% pay rise for MPs by the independent watchdog IPSA [Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority].

IPSA are still going ahead with this increase which will go into every pay packet and it is still unclear how many will or will not forward the increase to worthy charities. I suspect that Tobias Ellwood will not be extending the hand of friendship.

Last week Susie Boniface aka @fleetstreetfox took the bull by the horns and started a trend that was a huge success in getting followers to petition their MPs with the simple question "will you be accepting the 10% pay rise, or donating it to charity/local places in need?".

The response was very slow to start and then after a wile one or started to reply back that they would pass on the extra to charities. After a few days it was clear that very few would do the decent thing and pass on the pay rise.

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